Offering your shoppers store cupboard items at wholesale prices

Offering your shoppers store cupboard items at wholesale prices

The full Essential catalogue is now available on the Open Food Network (OFN), updated six times per year in line with product and price updates from Essential.  Tamar Valley Food Hubs (TVFH) are now offering their shoppers the option to place a bulk order of Essential...
Business Model: Blog Sole of Discretion

Business Model: Blog Sole of Discretion

In this series of blogs, Lynne Davis, CEO of the Open Food Network, describes the business models of some of the food hubs and producers in their community. Here, in the third blog of the series, she introduces Sole of Discretion. Sole of Discretion is a radically...
Business Model Blog: Bowhouse Link

Business Model Blog: Bowhouse Link

In this series of blogs, Lynne Davis, CEO of the Open Food Network, describes the business models of some of the food hubs and producers in their community. Here, in the second blog of the series, Lynne introduces Bowhouse Link. Bowhouse, based in the East Neuk of...