Mar 17, 2021 | Resource, Tutorials
Development Explained! The Open Food Network is a platform cooperative – a software platform running with cooperative principles. Our goal has always been that the community of food enterprises using the Open Food Network are co-owners, designers and creators of...
Dec 18, 2020 | Resource, Tutorials
To help make card payments more secure the UK Government is rolling out new legislation. In this blog Louise explains how to make sure you are prepared. What is SCA? SCA- Strong Card Authorisation- is an additional security measure, which protects...
Mar 8, 2019 | News, Resource, Tutorials
Announcing OFNs free group coaching programme for food hubs. The OFN community is rich with experience in creating values-driven food systems. OFN members work with local authorities to deliver on strategic health outcomes. They coordinate with local food banks to...