Our latest news, blogs, ideas, tips and opinion pieces


Manda Scott

We are very pleased to welcome Manda Scott as an ambassador.  This is what she said about the OFN: "You're being the change we need to see. At a core level, we need total systemic change and shifting our food/farming system to something based in co-operation and...

News, Projects, Story

Procurement For Good project begins

We are extremely excited to announce that we have started work on the Procurement For Good (P4G) project as of the beginning of October 2024.  Procurement for Good (P4G) is a £1.9m research project led by Coventry University’s Centre for Agroecology, Water and...

Image of some of the P4G project team at the Coventry University Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience
The Open Food Network has been invited to be an ambassador of the EU Proximity and Social Economy Platform
The Open Food Network has been invited to be an ambassador of the EU Proximity and Social Economy Platform

The Open Food Network is now an ambassador for the EU Proximity and Social Economy Platform! Diesis is a global network of social entrepreneurs supporting the development of the social economy, social entrepreneurship and social innovation.  The Network aims to...

Manda Scott
Manda Scott

We are very pleased to welcome Manda Scott as an ambassador.  This is what she said about the OFN: "You're being the change we need to see. At a core level, we need total systemic change and shifting our food/farming system to something based in co-operation and...