Our latest news, blogs, ideas, tips and opinion pieces


George Monbiot – OFN Ambassador

George Monbiot says “For years I have been writing about the need for a fairer, more sustainable food distribution system.  It appears that we now have it.  The online, open source, not-for-profit Open Food Network is owned and controlled by the people...


Rob Hopkins – OFN Ambassador

Rob Hopkins has been following the progress of OFN since April 2014. In his words “there is a lot of potential for building the resilience of local food economies through internet-based, community-led food hubs – all of which is very closely aligned with the aims...


Mary Clear – OFN Ambassador

Mary Clear, Chair of Incredible Edible Todmorden says “The Open Food Network is not only a great way to get local food to local people.  It is also the only open source online food distribution system.   It is really important that as we are building...


Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall – OFN Ambassador

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall says “any initiative that fosters local food economies, and makes it easier for us all to buy low-impact, seasonal ingredients, gets my vote. I think the Open Food Network is a very exciting project, offering a positive, sustainable...


Maresa Bossano – OFN Ambassador

Maresa Bossano has more experience in local food than most. “I set up and ran a local, organic, vegan cafe. I worked for Sustain for five years, managing the Food Co-ops project. I was a Five-a-Day Co-ordinator for a Primary Care Trust. I set up a Farmers’ Market...

The Open Food Network has been invited to be an ambassador of the EU Proximity and Social Economy Platform
The Open Food Network has been invited to be an ambassador of the EU Proximity and Social Economy Platform

The Open Food Network is now an ambassador for the EU Proximity and Social Economy Platform! Diesis is a global network of social entrepreneurs supporting the development of the social economy, social entrepreneurship and social innovation.  The Network aims to...

Manda Scott
Manda Scott

We are very pleased to welcome Manda Scott as an ambassador.  This is what she said about the OFN: "You're being the change we need to see. At a core level, we need total systemic change and shifting our food/farming system to something based in co-operation and...